Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So does everything happen for a reason?

ok so yesterday I talked about things happening for a reason. My friend who's a mental health care profession would say that as humans we don't like randomness, we have to find an explanation for everything. It's an interesting point and one I suppose that is true.

However being a bit more spiritual and liking to believe in the universal law I do think that things happen in order to shake us up. We can get cozy in our existence, believing that we are "unshakable". This happened to me.

Want to hear my story? Last Novemeber I left my very good full time job, to go out on my own as a contractor and IT trainer. I had a range of skills from life and business coaching, right thru to internet marketing. I thought it would be simple to get back to my earnings that I had in my salary job. I was perhaps over ambitious and believed that things would work quicker than they did. Yes now nearly a year later things are nearly at the level they were and they continue to grow.

There was a downside, as I worked harder and initially showed less income, things became strained at home, arguements developed, relationships soured. To cut a long story short I lost my marriage earlier this year. Something that is still difficult to accept but it happened. I asked myself why did this happen. Still I look for a reason but I have two:
I am now more independent
I have learned not to get comfortable and take anything or anyone for granted

Yup it was a hard lesson to learn (there were other lessons which will be discussed perhaps in the future) but now I am more independent, I am focusing even more and working harder even more.

Now I can tell you with certainty that things do happen for a reason, sometimes you will not find out for a while, sometimes it may be months or years, however you will suddenly realise why things happened.

I also believe this has made me an even better coach

To your ultimate success (keep on keepin' on)



Rory Stern said...

Awesome post. Thanks for sharing a little bit behind the "man." I think it speaks volumes about what it takes to truly get outside the box and make a truly profound difference in this world.

I have a very similar story, and people told me I was / am crazy for walking away from a very strong career. But it just wasn't me...

I've been told I am too much of a risk taker... But it's NOT a risk to me. And I venture it's probably the same for you?


SmokedBBQmeat said...

I understand. My first wife told to quit being a Deputy Sheriff or she would divorce me. So I quit, and sure enough, she divorced me...sigh.