Friday, September 29, 2006

Changing how you think

Have you ever thought about how you think about situations or people?

Let me tell you that how you think affects your life

Sometimes we accept out thoughts without question. "I don't like that person, they seem arrogant", "I don't like her she is so obsessed by her looks", have you been in these situations.

You think you know about the person or situation but you have not even got to know the person or understand the situation. So we automatically make a judgement based on what we think.

What I would like you to do is to become to me more opened minded and begin to understand how people think.

There's a saying in NLP that says
"The Map is not the Terrority"

This saying confuses a lot of people. When you see a map of say a city is it the actual city, is it what you see when you get there, for example flat buildings and lines and numbers? Of course not it is only a representation.

When you got a resturant the menu is only a representation of the food.

When we are presented with a situation we see one representation of it. We use our existing information and represent that situation to ourselves. To another person it is completely different - this to me is where so many problems occur. People don't realise that each person has their own map and they can see a situation differently.

WOW! Imagine that, someone elses point of view might actually be different!

We'll go into this in more details tomorrow, but for now try to step back from every situation and really do try to see it from a different perspective - see the change!

To your success


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