Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Map is not the Territory

"The Map is Not the Terrority"

When I was learning NLP this is one thing that really confused me, it took me a while to see what was meant.

Once I understood it my life changed, it really did and so will yours!

Think about a map, it is only a representation of the actual area it is describing. The actual territory/area is different.

Another way of looking at is, the training manual is not the training. What you see in the training manual or seminar manual that you attend is not the actual training or seminar - it is one way of representing it.

So what does this mean to you?

It means that each person has their own map of the world, their own way of representing life and what they think and believe.

We all have different maps, we are all different. Who is to say which "map" is correct?

The next time you have a convsersation with someone remember that they are representing their point of view, or the view as they see it from their map. Respect this!

I really am convinced that communication is the key to all relationships, whether business or personal. People fail to communicate clearly and correctly.

Do you know what the key to great communication is? Listening! How many people don't listen, or at least only listen at a superficial level?

I teach a technique call the "traffic light system" - discover how to this works and you're on your road to success.

Tomorrow I'll delve a little into this technique

Have a great weekend, however much is left of it!


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