Monday, October 02, 2006

The Traffic Light System

The Traffic Light System

This is a new theory that I am working on. It is a very simple theory - I don't believe in making anything difficult.

Traffic lights tell us what to do out on the road
Red Stop
Amber Look out and listen but better to wait
Green is Go

And that's how my system works
Stop what you are doing
Look and Listen to what is going on around you. Listen to what people are saying verbally and look to see what they are doing with their bodies - body language is so important
Go - begin to speak comment when you have found out what is going on.

It's amazing how many people don't look and listen to what's going on, they simply talk and think that others are taking on board what they are saying. Once you stop look and listen you will see the reaction of others which can tell you so much

Too many people just get caught up in themselves - this can be a person's downfall.

So for the next week I want you to stop look and listen

Till tomorrow


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