Friday, October 06, 2006

Negative Thoughts

Hi again, sorry yesterday was busy so did not get a chance to blog

Here's the thought for today:
"What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves"

Read it again, what you think you prove. It's like a little response in your mind that says ok I think i am silly, gotta prove that. How many times does that happen to you.

If you think you can or you think you can't you're right, paraphrased from Henry Ford.

How many times have you said I can't do that? Your mind processes that and decides you are right, and then you can't do it.

Why not start thinking in a more positive manner? Why not think I might not be able to do it now, however if I practice or learn a little bit more I may be able to do it.

We seem, as human beings, to be conditioned to accept failure. "Ah sure I knew it would not work out." "Everything always goes wrong for me", people tend to think like that.

Start to think in a more positive light, after all if you think it might work out, a lot of times it does. Thinking negatively can be so destructive. You think of the worse case scenario's. However sometimes worse case does not happen, in fact in my life I have found that very often worst case does not happen.

So I want you to be more positive in your thoughts.

Tomorrow we'll look at decisions and how important they are to your life

Keep on Keepin' on

Richard Butler
The Success Coach

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What are you saying to yourself?

The traffic light system is great to use when you are with others, but why not try it on yourself?

Most of us have self talk - no not those voices in your head that make you do crazy things! But a voice that will tell you that you were stupid to do this or silly for not doing that. This is a normal voice.

What does your voice say? I know mine used to tell me how stupid I was when I did something wrong, or sometimes it said good things, for example when I was drunk I found my inner voice asking if this is what a great life coach does? That soon put me on the straight and narrow!

So what is what your inner voice telling you? Stop and listen to it. So many times are inner voices say negative things to us (sometimes good to protect ourselves), however start saying nice things to yourself. Compliment yourself for a job well done, or when you resisit temptation to eat more or have another drink or cigarette.

As humans we seem to be conditioned for failure, when something goes right we seem to be amazed and stunned, wow that actually worked!

I want you to listen to your inner voice and begin to become more positive.

Try that for the next few days, you will be amazed at how many negative things you say to yourself. We'll explore the idea of negative exposure again tomorrow

Till then keep on keepin' on!

Richard Butler
The Success Coach

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Traffic Light System

The Traffic Light System

This is a new theory that I am working on. It is a very simple theory - I don't believe in making anything difficult.

Traffic lights tell us what to do out on the road
Red Stop
Amber Look out and listen but better to wait
Green is Go

And that's how my system works
Stop what you are doing
Look and Listen to what is going on around you. Listen to what people are saying verbally and look to see what they are doing with their bodies - body language is so important
Go - begin to speak comment when you have found out what is going on.

It's amazing how many people don't look and listen to what's going on, they simply talk and think that others are taking on board what they are saying. Once you stop look and listen you will see the reaction of others which can tell you so much

Too many people just get caught up in themselves - this can be a person's downfall.

So for the next week I want you to stop look and listen

Till tomorrow


Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Map is not the Territory

"The Map is Not the Terrority"

When I was learning NLP this is one thing that really confused me, it took me a while to see what was meant.

Once I understood it my life changed, it really did and so will yours!

Think about a map, it is only a representation of the actual area it is describing. The actual territory/area is different.

Another way of looking at is, the training manual is not the training. What you see in the training manual or seminar manual that you attend is not the actual training or seminar - it is one way of representing it.

So what does this mean to you?

It means that each person has their own map of the world, their own way of representing life and what they think and believe.

We all have different maps, we are all different. Who is to say which "map" is correct?

The next time you have a convsersation with someone remember that they are representing their point of view, or the view as they see it from their map. Respect this!

I really am convinced that communication is the key to all relationships, whether business or personal. People fail to communicate clearly and correctly.

Do you know what the key to great communication is? Listening! How many people don't listen, or at least only listen at a superficial level?

I teach a technique call the "traffic light system" - discover how to this works and you're on your road to success.

Tomorrow I'll delve a little into this technique

Have a great weekend, however much is left of it!


Friday, September 29, 2006

Changing how you think

Have you ever thought about how you think about situations or people?

Let me tell you that how you think affects your life

Sometimes we accept out thoughts without question. "I don't like that person, they seem arrogant", "I don't like her she is so obsessed by her looks", have you been in these situations.

You think you know about the person or situation but you have not even got to know the person or understand the situation. So we automatically make a judgement based on what we think.

What I would like you to do is to become to me more opened minded and begin to understand how people think.

There's a saying in NLP that says
"The Map is not the Terrority"

This saying confuses a lot of people. When you see a map of say a city is it the actual city, is it what you see when you get there, for example flat buildings and lines and numbers? Of course not it is only a representation.

When you got a resturant the menu is only a representation of the food.

When we are presented with a situation we see one representation of it. We use our existing information and represent that situation to ourselves. To another person it is completely different - this to me is where so many problems occur. People don't realise that each person has their own map and they can see a situation differently.

WOW! Imagine that, someone elses point of view might actually be different!

We'll go into this in more details tomorrow, but for now try to step back from every situation and really do try to see it from a different perspective - see the change!

To your success


What is Life Coaching/NLP?

As promised I want to share a bit more about what I do with you.

I am a qualified Life and Business Coach and practioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching is, in a nutshell, about helping people get more from their life. You'll see more artsy definitions but for me I like to keep things simple.

Life coaching looks at your present situation and see's how to get you to the future (what ever future you desire). I don't concern myself greatly with the past - if I can learn from it I use it, if not I forget it. Sure that might seem rough, but why should I agonise on something that I can do nothing about in the present or in the future. As I said if I can learn from a past "mistake" or get feedback from it then it is useful.

Life coaching is like a journey I help you go from A to B. Sometimes you find out more about yourself on the journey and realise that B is not where you want to go. Life Coaching will change your life, it will help open you up to new experiences and try different things. However Life Coaching is always about you. I am the facilitator, you make the decisions I simply ask the questions.

What's a Life Coaching Session like?

That's a good question. It's about talking, reflecting and sometimes soul searching. The first session will usually involve a few exercises to see where you are at, at the present time. I'll do an exercise called the Wheel of Life, to see if you think there are areas in your life which you need to work on. There can be many surprises here!

Next we'll start looking at setting a priority to work on, and from their perhaps some goal setting and action planning.

A life coaching session is not something to be afraid of, in fact it is exciting and refreshing. The coach will ask a lot of questions, deep probing questions - it's up to you to answer them honestly, that is, if you wish to make real progress.

What's Neuro Linguistic Programming?

Oh boy where do I start! It is a process or model to help achieve greatness. I use it very effectively with life coaching. It's broken down into three areas:
Neuro - to do with the mind
Linguistic - to do with language
Programming - to do with how we encode information.

You see each one of use feels comfortable when information is explained in a certain way. Do you ever just have a good feeling about somebody when you meet them, perhaps you have heard great things about them, or simply like they way they look? That's all NLP (although you may not know)

Look at below to the hightlighted words!:
You see each one of use feels comfortable when information is explained in a certain way. Do you ever just have a good feeling about somebody when you meet them, perhaps you have heard great things about them, or simply like they way they look? That's all NLP (although you may not know).

People have a preferred method of receiving information. Some people like information explained to them in person (these people work on an auditory level), some people like to see it explained to them (they work on a visual level) and others like to be hands on (they work on a physical or kinesthetic level).

If you can communicate with people on "their level" you will become more effective in communication. The next time you are talking to people listen to the types of words they are using, are they not seeing things, can't see the wood from the trees, or are they getting ready to hit the ground running, perhaps they want to sing from the same hymm sheet.

As you can see NLP is amazing, and that's not even scratching the surface, when you see what you can do with it you will have the most amazing feelings!!

So that's all for today, tomorrow we'll talk a little bit more about how you change how you think.

To your success

Richard Butler

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Welcome to the new blog

Each day I will post an article, musing, quote, story or other inspirational thought to help you through your day

I'm going to start off tomorrow, telling you a little bit about myself and what I do.

I look forward to you reading the blog

Richard Butler